This list of indications is from the Austrian Guidelines for Haemotherapy.


Confirmed radiation indications

The literature review provides sufficient evidence for a radiation indication.

  • Intrauterine Transfusions (IUT)
  • Exchange transfusions
  • Immature newborns and newborns < 1200g
  • Newborns up to 6 months of age after an IUT
  • Congenital immunodeficiencies
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (during therapy with purine analogues and bendamustine)
  • Hodgkin's disease (lifelong)
  • From 14 days before autologous blood stem cell collection
  • In the case of autologous stem cell transplantation from conditioning until three months after, in the case of total body irradiation (TBI) in conditioning until six months after
  • In the case of allogeneic stem cell transplantation from conditioning until at least six months after that
  • In the case of existing chronic GvHD for the duration of the condition. GvHD for the time of the disease or as long as GvHD prophylaxis is administered.
  • Aplastic anaemia (during ATG and/or monoclonal Ak therapy)
  • During therapy with, e.g. ATG/ALG, purine analogues
  • During treatment with alemtuzumab (CD 52 Ak, Lemtrada)
  • HLA selected products
  • Products from blood relatives (also in immunocompetent patients)
  • Granulocyte concentrates

Possible radiation indications

The literature evaluation does not provide a clear indication for irradiation. It must be decided individually.

  • Unclear pancytopenias with leukocytes < 1000/μL
  • Solid tumours after/during chemotherapy with leukocyte values < 1000/μL
  • In acute and chronic leukaemias where an absolute indication does NOT apply.
  • Newborns up to 6 months of age (or until it is clear that there is no congenital immunodeficiency).

No radiation indications

The literature assessment provides evidence that there is no indication for irradiation.

  • Acquired immunodeficiencies (HIV/AIDS)
  • Therapy with rituximab (CD20 Ak)
  • Solid tumours under chemotherapy with leukocyte values > 1000/μL
  • Transplantation of solid organs - no exception for immunosuppression with alemtuzumab or ATG (see BJH "Guidelines on the use of irradiated blood components")

Last update on 04.08.2023.